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legitimate rule
The Three Types of Legitimate Rule
Sociology Max Weber type 3 legal authority | traditional authority | charismatic authority scotty

function of consciousness
Personality type
Psychology Carl Jung type 4 sensation | intuition | thinking | feeling scotty

Bartle taxonomy of player types
Psychology Richard Bartle type 4 killer | achiever | socializer | explorer scotty

Four causes
Philosophy Aristotle type 4 matter | form | agent | purpose scotty

Chomsky hierarchy
Linguistics Noam Chomsky type 4 recursively enumerable | context-sensitive | context-free | regular scotty

organizational structure
Sociology type 4 committee | ecology | matrix | hierarchy scotty

box of liberty
Four boxes of liberty
Politics Stephen Decatur Miller step 4 soap | ballot | jury | ammo scotty

twelve-fold chain
Philosophy Buddha part 12 ignorance | volitional | sensual | body and mind | senses | contact | feeling | craving | clinging | becoming | birth | death scotty

star sign
Astrological sign
Astrology type 12 aries | taurus | gemini | cancer | leo | virgo | libra | scorpio | sagittarius | capricorn | aquarius | pisces davekud

Psychology Bloom type 3 cognitive | affective | psychomotor scotty

moral action
Philosophy Buddha type 10 generosity | restraint | metal development | respect | service | sharing of merit | rejoicing | listening | teaching | understanding scotty

Charles Sanders Peirce
Semiotics Charles Peirce type 10 qualisign | iconic sinsign | rhematic indexical | dicent sinsign | iconic legisign | rhematic indexical legisign | dicent indexical legisign | rhematic symbol | dicent symbol | argument scotty

Level of measurement
Psychology Stanley Smith Stevens step 4 nominal | ordinal | interval | ratio scotty

Theology Jainism step 3 faith | knowledge | conduct scotty

The Four Elements of Architecture
Anthropology Gottfried Semper part 4 hearth | roof | enclosure | mound scotty

psychomotor development
Bloom's taxonomy
Psychology Benjamin Bloom part 7 perception | set | guided response | mechanism | complex overt response | adaptation | origination scotty

cell cycle
Cell cycle
Biology step 3 resting | interphase | cell division scotty

Kübler-Ross model
Psychology Kübler-Ross step 5 denial | anger | bargaining | depression | acceptance scotty

group development
Tuckman's stages of group development
Sociology Bruce Tuckman step 4 forming | storming | norming | performing scotty

economic growth
Rostow's stages of growth
Economics Walt Whitman Rostow step 5 traditional society | pre-conditions | take-off | technological maturity | high mass consumption scotty

behavioral change
Transtheoretical model
Psychology James Prochaska step 6 precontemplation | contemplation | preparation | action | maintenance | termination scotty

Biology KU Natural History Museum part 4 variation | Inheritance | selection | time dane

Five elements (Japanese philosophy)
Philosophy Buddhism type 5 earth | water | fire | wind | void scotty

love language
The Five Love Languages
Psychology Gary Chapman type 5 receiving gifts | quality time | words of affirmation | acts of service | physical touch scotty

Gastronomy type 5 sweet | sour | salty | bitter | savory scotty
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